Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Marching off to battle...

This post is about the different battles Riley and I have faced in the past couple days. :)

I volunteered to take my 2 year-old nephew to the lake with me and Riley. The battle in this situation is of course maneuvering both puppy and boy in and out of the van, water, trail, etc. But after we got to the water, Xavier had a BLAST watching the dogs swim and people running by so much that he imitated all of them...he laid down in the 2 inch deep water as if he were dog paddling and then took off running down the trail like all the other people. Besides spending quality time with my puppy and nephew, I made one truly exciting yet possibly useless discovery. At 3:00 in the afternoon, after Austin has had time to heat up over 100 degrees, only truly fit and beautiful people are running at townlake. :) This would be information only if I looked good while standing out in 104 degree heat AND if I wasn't hanging out with a two year old. So I tried to play it off by loudly saying, "Xavier, I think we need to get you back to your mom so you can go to swimming lessons." No luck there. I just ended up being the girl who talks too loudly to kids in public.

The second battle that happened was fought between Riley and Seymore (Seymore being my stuffed animal seal.) One night I woke up to Riley growling ferociously. Usually she barks when she needs to go to the bathroom, so I just told her to shut up and go back to sleep. For reasons unbeknownst to me, she did not understand and kept growling. When I finally got out of bed, I picked up a blanket that had fallen on the ground, and peaking it's head out was Seymore! Apparently it's black beady eyes invoked Riley's protective side. haha. Well when you realize your puppy has just woken you up and warned you against a vicious, man-eating seal, your anger just melts away. :) I have added some reenactment pictures for your enjoyment.

Tomorrow, I will describe my battle with DPS over the CDL... :)

1 comment:

  1. Funny. Your brother is that guy who talks too loudly to kids in public...
