Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why not?

To take a line from Hillary Duff's song...Why Not? lol

This is a blog about my adventures in Austin, which now largely circulate around my puppy Riley. Riley is a lab/retriever mix and I have had her for almost 3 months now. When I was growing up in the country, my family always had at least one dog. I never remembered that being a stressful or added responsibility to our lives, so while living in the most dog-friendly city in America, I thought it was time to get a dog of my own. AND of course, I got a puppy. They are so darn cute compared to the adult dogs. Besides, they aren't that much work. ;) I was so naive. So if you follow this blog, don't judge me on the mistakes I make with Riley. I promise she is healthy, happy, and loved.

This morning Riley and I went to townlake for a walk and to attempt swimming again. Riley had gotten into the water once before (mostly because I gave her an encouraging love tap at Redbud Isle) but she didn't really enjoy it that much. Again this morning I gave her a loving push into the water, and this time she stayed!!!!! I was THAT girl standing next to the water cheering and clapping for my puppy who had finally decided that swimming was ok. Maybe it was the fifty days of 100 degree weather we have had or the cheerleader on the sidelines that made the difference this time, but regardless, she swam and loved it!

Being the first time she has truly swam, Riley looked more like me trying to swim laps than the other, more experienced dogs. She swam upright in the water which led to her splashing herself in the face the entire time. But Riley didn't seem to mind at all...she just tried to drink the water splashing in her face! It was absolutely the cutest thing I have seen, and again, I was THAT puppy's mother on the sideline who was so proud that she couldn't stop smiling. I wanted to steal a line from Momma Joanne, "That's my baby!" because that is truly how I felt. :)

I am very upset that I didn't have my phone with me for the epic event in Riley's life, but we will go again soon, and I will make sure to take videos and pictures. :)


  1. Riley is healthy, happy, and loved! Such a sweet moment for you...when is Riley's first triathlon? xoxo

  2. PS--don't know why Xavier is reading your blog...hmmm.
