Sunday, September 4, 2011

From mother to friend

The past couple of weeks have been the craziest, most hectic days I can remember. Between moving, starting school, and finding my way through my first days as a middle school coach, I have not had time to blog. But I have finally gotten settled into my new house, I have found all of the things I lost, and I am starting to get back into the flow of things. :)
While I have been getting my life in order, Riley has been having the time of her life! My roommate has a 2 year old pitbull named Gaia. Gaia can definitely beat Riley into a pulp if she chose, but instead they have become best friends. The moment I let Riley out of my room in the morning, she goes directly to Gaia's room, hoping that I will let her out too! The moment they are both free of their nightly containment, they run down the stairs side by side and spend the rest of their free time running around and jumping on each other. It's true love. :)
The other new change in my life is that Riley has grown up enough that she listens to my directions AND goes to the bathroom outside!!!! This was the transformation I have been waiting all these months for...the day when I could stop being Riley's mother and rather become her best friend. In the morning while I am getting ready, Riley follows me around the house. We chat about the morning weather and news, and then I let her out in the yard to play until Gaia can come out and play. It's a perfect set up. :)
Now it's time for the random story of the week.
Riley and I went on a walk the other morning, and I let her wander around the yard for a minute before we went back inside. She walked in with what looked like a dead flower in her mouth. I am currently living in a desert, so this could have been very possible. When she dropped it on the floor, I was horrified to find a dead smashed bird instead of a dead flower! YUCK!! It looked like a flower because the bird had somehow been smashed unto a piece of straw! haha. The week before Riley had found a pigeons nest and ate an egg before I could stop her...My dog has gross fascination with birds it seems.

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